Dunedin Camp

On week 8 from Monday to Friday we went to Dunedin for camp I was in a cabin with Riley and Lachlan on the way there we stopped at Timaru and Omaru and Ashburton. When we got there we got told our cabins and the people in them. After that we had hot dogs for dinner and after we had Milo I didn’t really like it and then we went to sleep.

My favourite activity was Moana pools and going down the hydro slide with my friends. The thing I am most proud of is jumping down the sand dunes. My least favourite was Baldwin street because it was really hot.


This week for math we have been doing probability we started off by predicting how many shots we’d make I thought I’d make 3/10 shots but I made 4/10. Then today on Wednesday we did a task about finding the probabilities of people ordering food.

Action Stations

For a few a few weeks on Friday we are doing action stations which is where you pick a station to do for the next four weeks that it is on I chose to do quiz but this week I did basketball to help my friend Max W because he had no helpers for his activites.

Math Symmetry

This week on Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday half of the class went to koru games. I didn’t go because my sport was cancelled we did different activities for math we did symmetrical shapes this is my symmetrical shape. I made it green and red because I thought it looked good. I used resilience because I didn’t give up even when I failed


For math when we have Elizabeth we do spheros. Spheros are these little balls that you can code. I worked with Shae we made a right angle triangle the most difficult part, is knowing the right angle and now the speed and rotation. It took about 10 times for us to get it right. Here is the code.


Rawhiti Knights create basketball madness that is good these knights and shining shooters. That hustle and bustle to the ball the small forward is an impenetrable wall,No-one can get past when I’m this fast. I hustle and bustle to the ball, Sneakers squeak as I manoeuvre past my mad moves.


This is my poster with an example of an idiom. Mine is hitting the hay.

3D Shapes

Today we drew 3D shapes I didn’t really like it. The cube was pretty easy and the other ones were pretty hard to do.

Maths Geometry

Today I have been making this with Joel. It is information about some shapes because this week we have been doing a lot of geometry. Sharon gave us some things to write information about the angles and sides.